Saturday 1 June 2013

Missed the Bird watching this morning as I went to London to march against the Badger cull. Luke up dated me though and told me he saw a Crow feeding chicks on a nest, heard Great Tit chicks in one of the boxes and watched a Tree Creeper going to it's nest! Busy times. Been watching the Sett a lot this week with good results, at least one Badger a night but tonight was the best yet, saw at least 6 Badgers. For the past few nights I've heard a harsh kind of barking/screaming noise, can't see what is making it but my guess is a Muntjac stag? It sounds very eerie(especially as I'm opposite the cemetery!) and moves around the Reserve a lot, tonight it also came from the field. Might move back up the tree tomorrow in the hope of seeing the mystery noise maker.

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